Friday, December 29, 2006
Etsy Store Now Open For Business!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Where does the time go?
I have been extremely busy the last month, finishing Christmas presents and spinning yarn on my new wheel. I participated in the annual craft fair at my office and sold my first skein of hand-spun yarn!
Unfortunately, all my fiber-related creative work has come to a grinding halt this past week. The day of Glenn's concert, I fell and popped my left thumb. I was able to put it back, but the damage was done. I had my friend Tonya bring me to the ER, and after waiting about five hours, I found out I had "soft tissue damage" needed to follow up with an osteo specialist. It looks like I have some tendon damage and am now in a soft brace. Sadly, I haven't been able to spin or crochet since my fall.
I am, however, working on other "creative" projects for 2007, including a self-published crochet pattern book and an Etsy shop. I am also toying with the idea of doing a podcast series.
So, I wish that 2007 be a positive, creative time for all with plenty of time to crochet and spin!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Sheep to Shawl
It was a great, inspiring day!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
One busy lady...
There is something magical and meditative about the fiber arts to me. I have crocheted for several years, have started spinning in the last year, and just purchased a lap loom at Rhinebeck. The connection I feel to fiber arts is almost indescribable, and I consider myself lucky to have found it.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
My First Trip to Rhinebeck

Last Sunday I attended the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival for the first time and I can say without a doubt that this was the BEST fiber show I have ever attended!
I booked a spot on a bus trip that left from

Well, we had a great time! We trekked all over the entire show, desperate to make sure we saw everything! I made some much needed purchases, including a pair of hand carders, a ball winder and a lap loom. What a day! I also bought a pair of Alpaca gloves and some fiber.
From what I heard, Saturday was VERY busy, so I am glad we went on Sunday. I don't mind people, but extreme crowds can be a little tough.
I can't tell you what a great feeling of positive energy I received from attending Rhinebeck! It made it tough to go back to the "real world" job on Monday. Note to self, take Monday off next year.

It was just a wonderful day from start to finish. I can't wait until next year!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Tapestry Crochet
This weekend I will be attending the New York Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY. I can't wait and will be sure to report on my trip!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Breed Swap: First Lesson Learned
So, I am sure this will not be the last lesson I learn during this breed swap!
Friday, October 13, 2006
A New Project
Thirty-two of us each have selected a breed of animal that is fiber producing. Each member will provide a background of the breed, one yard of two-ply spun fiber and a lock for each person participating. All that will be mailed to one wonderful person who will assemble "study notebooks" for each person and ship them to us!
This will be a true learning experience for me because I purchased all of the fiber as raw, so this will be the first time I will be scouring fiber, as well as my first attempt at plying!

Here is a photo of some of the fiber as I received it. Overall, it looked pretty good to me. I purchased from a lovely woman on Ebay who was very patient in helping me understand how to handle, clean and work with my selection, Icelandic wool.
So, I took a deep breath and filled my first tub of hot water and Dawn liquid. I added some fiber and let it sit. I then rinsed it, and rinsed it and rinsed it again. I then did a "final" rinse using some Euclean and...yay! I didn't felt it!

Here is my "clean" result. As I did each batch, I felt my confidence grew. I realized I didn't need to add quite so much Dawn and I didn't need to do as many rinses.
I have about two pounds of fiber and a small bag of locks. I did one pound tonight and will do the other pound tomorrow and the locks on Sunday. I will be sure to keep you all posted on my progress.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
A wonderful weekend!
We did make one "fiber-related" stop to The Wool Connection in Avon, CT. The ladies who worked there were just lovely and helped us make great choices, including some fiber for spinning from Ashford!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Received My Wheelbag!

When I got home tonight, I havd a pleasant surprise waiting for wheel bag from The Bag Lady! She did a lovely job and I am very happy with my decision to go with denim, rather than a tapestry. It is very much my style. The bag is completely padded and fits the bag in its upright position. I will definitely feel much better when I travel with my wheel now that it will be protected.
The Rose Comes to the Office
Everyone just loved it and I had so much fun showing her off! As I improve on how to spin, I can TOTALLY see myself doing demonstrations. Such fun!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Shameless Promotion
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Today's Lesson
My next investment will be in a pair of hand carders and a ball winder. Yay! More toys to buy!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
My First Skein

Well, I finally finished my first skein in my new Majacraft Rose! I am pretty pleased with the way it turned out. My big worry was setting the twist. I followed the directions exactly from Spin It: Making Yarn From Scratch and I didn't felt it!
The big question I am getting from everyone is "what are you going to make with it?" I was telling everyone that it hadn't told me yet! But, last night I started thinking about a keyhole scarf. I have a few projects to make first and then I'll get started on a project for this special yarn!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Taking time to never forget

As I got ready for work this morning, as usual, I made coffee and turned on Fox News. I immediately became transfixed as they replayed parts of the broadcast from five years ago. I evenaully had to pull myself away 15 minutes before I was due to arrive at work. I hadn't seen the telecast live that morning, but it was as if it was a live broadcast today.
I was already on my way to work the morning the world changed. I didn't see the news live, but listened to the radio at the office to the news reports. It made me think an odd though, wondering if this is what Americans did as the events of World War I and II took place? I left the office and headed to an elementary school to check on my friend's mother, as her husband worked for the Secret Service at the time at the World Trade Center. She eventually heard from him that day; he was safe.
I grew up in North Jersey and there is a spot in Belleville, where you have a beautiful view of the NYC skyline. After that day, I couldn't go look from that spot for a long time. Even when I had to drive by that area, I drove as if I was in a tunnel, not wanting to look. I remember that smell of the fire and the smoke that came across the Hudson River.
I just wanted to take a moment to share my thoughts on this day and hope to remind everyone to never forget on the day the world changed. May God Bless The United States Of America.
Friday, September 08, 2006
When all else fails...RTFM
I started out again tonight attempting to spin on my new toy, my Majacraft Rose. I predrafted some fiber and began to treadle, the fiber began to spin and once again, I couldn't get it to go onto the bobbin. I finally pulled out the manual and began to read. What a concept! I found the "troubleshooting" section and saw that there was a section about just this issue. I made a minor adjustment to the spring tension and it goes! My heart skipped a beat! It felt like the first time I was able to double-haul on my flyrod. I proceed to continue to spin a half a batt of fiber for just about two hours when my husband finally said it was time to settle down for the night. Settle down?? But I HAVE it! I knew it was time, but I was finally getting it. I playing iwth spinning thick and think, putting bumps in the yarn and just generally play.
So it just goes to show you, when all else fails, RTFM. ;-)
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Using fiber for the first time

Well, there she is. The Majacraft Rose in my new little spinning corner of the living room. I have been practicing just treadling for the last few days and I just couldn't wait anymore...I added fiber to the mix. I pulled out some batts from Linda Diak at Grafton Fibers and took a deep breath. I started out working the fiber, attempting to mimic what Betty demonstrated to me when I made my purchase. Well, I have successfully made...rope!
Stay tuned...
Monday, September 04, 2006
My first post!

Well, after many people telling me I should start a blog, I finally did! As the summer ends I am embarking on a new fiber journey...spinning on a wheel! I have been playing with spindles for a while now and decided to make the jump to a wheel. I have been doing a LOT of research and finally settled on The Rose from Majacraft. It is just beautiful! I made an appointment at The Spinnery in Frenchtown with owner Betty and spent two hours in her shop yesterday getting to know the wheel. Well, I fell absolutely in love! It also has a special meaning to me because my grandmother's name was Rose. Now I will always think of her as I am spinning or crocheting.
Well, that's it for now. I hope you will check back often on my fiberous journey!