I have a LOT to bring up to date, so I'll focus on Knit and Crochet Show that took place in July in New Hampshire.
Glenn decided to go, which I was VERY happy about! It was a great opportunity meet and chat with new friends and crochet pros. I attended Professional Development Day, which was full of great information. I also attended a pattern writing class with Marty Miller, which really helped teach how to write good, easy to understand patterns.
The Free Form Guild booth was wonderful as always and Myra did an awesome job organizing everything!
We received a lot of great feedback from people who were just introduced to free form by our display. Everyone has such wonderful talent in this group and it is a real honor to be a part of the group.
Glenn and I also had a chance to get away for a few days. We drove to the seacoast, which was just beautiful! We also had a chance to go fishing in a great little country stream. No trout, but plenty of little bluegill were willing to play!
Another great moment was when I did a spinning demo on the show floor. It was a great time and I was already asked to do another one next year!
Freeform was well represented at Saturday night's fashion show and hangbag silent auction. The top three fund-raising handbags were all from members of the Free Form Guild. There were also several wonderful garments from several guild members.
It was just a wonderful time and I can't wait until next year!